Eliza Kruger, 17 year old high school senior from CT, finally getting her 15 mins of fame.
She claims to have met NFL QB Mark Sanchez on NYE at a club in Manhattan(which might i add is an 18+ club....she is 17 = FAKE ID). Sanchez sees her from across the room, goes to chat her up. They exchange numbers, she updates her facebook "MARK FUCKING SANCHEZ JUST TEXTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!" <--IMMATURE MUCH?, she purposely tells blog reporters, then tries to take it back, then goes BACK ON the record with PICTURES FOR PROOF!, then says "if you print this, ill sue you!" what a lovely mood-swinging b*tch, wouldnt you agree?
Not only is she a mood swinging b*tch, but shes also manipulative, sneaky, and instigating! She warned Sanchez that she was 17, but continued the relationship as if she wouldn't tell :
EK "You know im 17 years old right?"
MS "Well, we can still talk. But I can't see you until your 18."
EK "Actually 17 is the legal age in New York"
Seeing as how he mentioned "I can't see you until your 18" Sanchez WAS thinking clearly. She turned the tables however and got him to agree to take her out (thats the sneaky manipulative side of her correcting him with the legal age being 17 in NYS). All I have left to say to this is, CONGRADULATIONS SLUT! you've successfully ruined the career of one of the newest QB's this season....the only one to be called "the next Joe Namath."
First off, Mark, i hope you learned your lesson. Dont mess with high school girls. Second off, i really hope you've lost contact with her. Her only goal here is to get you in trouble...she doesn't really care for you, she cares for your fame. She can tell you every lie in the book to make you believe her, and she will because once again she is an immature 17 year old, drama-crazed, attention craving high school girl. Your a 24 year old man with a very promising career. Find someone who is 20+ years old (im available lol jk). She got the 15 mins of fame she was looking for, and is in the midst of ruining your NFL career (see Brett Farve scandel....that will never go away).
So I ask you Mark Sanchez...HAVE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON?!
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, this "oh-so-lovely" 17 year old NFL career-ruining SOB, in all honesty, is NOT good looking at all...from any angle. People that know her have said "she is the dirtiest skank i know/ever met!"(see www.thehollywoodgossip.com for that quote!) and im sure you would agree that she looks like....A CRACKED OUT JAMIE LYNN SPEARS wannabe homewrecking slut. :-) seriosuly child, if you want 15 mins of fame and controversy, go hit it off with Levi Johnston and have him knock you up....that'll get you MONTHS of fame and fortune ;)